LEI entity details

LEI data

LEI 74780080Z2LVP0JBAV30
Registration status Issued
Initial registration Date 09.09.2015
Next renewal Date 14.09.2024
Last update date 08.09.2023

Entity data

Entity identificator in registry 200140730
Registry name Commercial register
Entity Legal Form Aktsionerno druzhestvo (WTK4)
Legal jurisdiction Bugarska
Entity Status Active
Entity category General
Associated entity -
Associated LEI -
Validation authority Commercial register (RA000065)
Validation sources potpuno potvrđeno kod registra
Entity expiration date -

Address of Legal Formation

Street and number Nikola Petkov Str. 52, Building Trade House West, residential part, fl. 4
Zip code 1618
City Sofia
Country Bulgaria

Headquarters Entity Address

Street and number Nikola Petkov Str. 52, Building Trade House West, residential part, fl. 4
Zip code 1618
City Sofia
Country Bulgaria

Relationship records

Direct parent

Challenge data
Parent LEI 74780000T020S030A052
Relationship type Direct parent
Relationship period 01.05.2014 -
Accounting period 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2022
Document filling period 01.08.2023 -
Validation sources fully corroborated
Last update date 8.9.2023. 9:03:54

Ultimate parent

Challenge data
Parent LEI 485100WYX2P2OK1O0633
Relationship type Ultimate parent
Relationship period 03.06.2008 -
Accounting period 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2022
Document filling period 02.06.2023 -
Validation sources fully corroborated
Last update date 8.9.2023. 9:04:33