Challenge data

LEI entity details

LEI data

LEI 74780000T0V81VFIT960
Registration status Issued
Initial registration Date 28.03.2017
Next renewal Date 27.04.2025
Last update date 22.04.2024

Entity data

Entity Name MAISTRA dioničko društvo za hotelijerstvo i turizam
Entity identificator in registry 040210687
Registry name Sudski registar
Entity Legal Form Dioničko društvo (LUMA)
Legal jurisdiction Hrvatska
Entity Status Active
Entity category General
Associated entity -
Associated LEI -
Validation authority Sudski registar (RA000156)
Validation sources potpuno potvrđeno kod registra
Entity expiration date -

Address of Legal Formation

Street and number Obala Vladimira Nazora 6
Zip code 52210
City Rovinj
Country Croatia

Headquarters Entity Address

Street and number Obala Vladimira Nazora 6
Zip code 52210
City Rovinj
Country Croatia

Relationship records

Ultimate parent

Challenge data
Parent LEI 3157003OO9IA06S5FS61
Relationship type Ultimate parent
Relationship period 16.12.2004 -
Accounting period 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2023
Document filling period 27.02.2024 -
Validation sources fully corroborated
Last update date 22.4.2024. 8:10:13

Direct parent

Challenge data
Parent LEI 3157003OO9IA06S5FS61
Relationship type Direct parent
Relationship period 16.12.2004 -
Accounting period 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2023
Document filling period 27.02.2024 -
Validation sources fully corroborated
Last update date 22.4.2024. 8:10:18