Entity Name |
LANACO društvo sa ograničenom odgovornošću za informacione tehnologije Banja Luka
Entity identificator in registry |
Registry name |
Registar poslovnih subjekata u Republici Srpskoj
Entity Legal Form |
Legal jurisdiction |
Bosna i Hercegovina
Entity Status |
Entity category |
Associated entity |
Associated LEI |
Validation authority |
Registar poslovnih subjekata u Republici Srpskoj (RA000692)
Validation sources |
potpuno potvrđeno kod registra
Entity expiration date |
Address of Legal Formation |
Street and number |
Ulica Veljka Mlađenovića bb
Zip code |
City |
Banja Luka
Country |
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Headquarters Entity Address |
Street and number |
Ulica Veljka Mlađenovića bb
Zip code |
City |
Banja Luka
Country |
Bosnia and Herzegovina